Terms of Acceptance

We HATE Spammers and Scammers.

At MailBrainiers we are always working towards providing 100% inbox delivery for our customers. But as we all know about 80% of the total email sent in a day worldwide is spam. We are always trying to protect ourselves and our customers from such spam senders.

We always manually screen all signup requests on our platform and accept only those who we find using best email sending practises. If you wish to use our service you will need to accept the following terms:

  1. You must have opt-in or double opt-in email lists. We will not allow any body with purchased or scrapped email lists.
  2. You must honor any unsubscribe requests that you get from your email list subscribers.
  3. Your email frequency must not irritate your customers. If your customers get irritated or angry from your email frequency they may mark your email as spam, which in turn will badly affect your overall deliverability.
  4. You must not use our platform and services to run any illegal or scam emails. If you try to abuse our platform we will suspend your account without any warning or refunds.
  5. After signup it may take us 48-72 hours to verify your details and accept you as a customer. We will inform you via your registered email.